
Danesh's 21st birthday

Happy belated birthday to Danesh on 1 Dec.

Wait, list down who attended the outing:
1. Me
2. Cheung Jie (left early)
3. Bay (left early)
4. Jia Yun (left early)
5. Kenny (left early)
6. Francis (left earliest)
7. Weilong (left early)
8. Edmund
9. Leon
10. Dominic
11. Nigel
12. Jason
13. Samuel
14. Danesh (birthday boy!)

Well, wouldn't think I would get this kind of celebration when I turn 21 years old in June next year. Reason? I don't expect my parents would organise such event lor. But if there's one, I would gladly appreciate it.

The celebration was held at void deck of Blk 167 @ Yishun a.k.a Danesh's house. Supposed to start at 7pm. Was the 1st person from K9 to arrive. Others took public transport except for me and Nigel - we drove.

Weilong was smart enough to bring poker cards and they played bridge. Bridge is so fun to play meh? Big2 is not even that difficult hor. This one you have to think who is your partner, think what to bid, have to see, have to this have to that! At the end of the game, also have to calculate. But I don't know what to calculate lar.

The fishing poker game also needs calculation at the end of the game, but the gameplay is very simple. Have means have, don't have means don't have. Straight and clear.

I had a hard time figuring out how to play after being taught by Shi Hao. Even Shi Hao had given up hope on me liao. I sweared I don't play bridge in my whole life...

Games aren't designed to kill time de meh? They're supposed to be simple what. Last time those gameboy games or pacman, they were simple to play. Look at the games now, lots of controls and a lot to remember. MMO and those FPS are good examples. Perhaps my simple mind can't keep up with the times lor.

Enough of the games. We were called up to made fun ourselves with some silly poses and dancesteps. But when the whole lot 13-14 people do it's not silly at all. Seriously.

Food was nice. But I preferred chicken to mutton anytime.

After the whole event. Those wanted to leave, left. Then the rest went to Orchid Country Club nearby to play pool.

I think I'm the most tyco player of all.
1. I don't do recce and calculation.
2. I don't bend down to aim properly (kena complained by Dominic).
3. I wait for miracle to happen.
So much so that I thrashed the pool pro Edmund by hitting the black ball into the hole and the white ball also went in after that as well. Perfect ending. Everybody was shocked by my performance. I swear I don't play pool.

I don't know whether there are photos. Will upload them as soon as I got it.

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