
28/10/2013 Interview at Micron, new lift + 29-30/10/2013 Attended funeral


This is my 9th interview. Job position applied was product engineer. The test was rather easy except for the programming part, I really can't write a full C language program to do the sort - the interviewer was quite surprised that I used the 'bubble' sorting method to solve the problem. Of course it's not very efficient la. Overall, the interview was ok. Hoping to get into this company though.

Strange that K Ng quitted his job, barely after 3 months wor. Don't know what was the real reason neh? Haven't find a chance to ask those reservist mate out.

Thunderstorm after the interview, luckily I only need to cover myself up for a short distance before being sheltered all the way to MRT station. Overall, the company location isn't so bad, the only thing is that it lies on NEL, so I need to change train at Outram. Heng, rain wasn't big at Jurong area. Took the new lift home.

First thing I noticed that the lift looked very dark, they should do away with the dark wood interior and change into something bright coloured. Aiyo, this is not some atas lift wor. Another thing is that the lift moves very fast now, compared to the old one. Wind blower is also more powerful, quite breezy inside lol... But I feel the button appearance can be improved, the contrast of the red LED and the engraving on the buttons results in not very obvious and clear cut wordings to lift users.

Next 2 days, attended funeral of a relative. Kept this portion short as I don't want to blog so much about it. Met other relatives of course and chatted a bit here and there, 畢竟很久都沒看到他們了。自從在上個拜五入院的消息傳出之後,眾人都震驚了,因為沒有人料到這樣的事情會發生,如今我還是很訝異。之前去她家看她還好好的。人生真的世事無常,要把握現有的,不要等失去了才來後悔,到時都太遲了。

Now job hunt is getting on my nerves. 每天都開始煩起來了。人家說讀engineering什麼工都能做,我覺得我是很多工都不能做……難過考試的說,考試再怎麼難都沒有找第一份工這麼難。我也解釋不出為什麼還找不到工。But the fact that now employers will ask why so late still finding job really tells me something, but they shouldn't discriminate mah. 如果每個公司都這樣的話,我不是真的不用做工了?到時候怎麼樣打算,我真的不知道。

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