
Work: Day 21 + to be consolidated into weekly post + sis birthday

This whole week is training week, so no need to go out to work. Actually as the days go by, I really find things are turning in for the good side. So hopefully it stays in this way bah!

The new staff said she knows quite a few people whom I also know myself! Eek! That would be good coz there would be common topics to talk to.

And to alleviate the pressure of writing at least a blog post everyday, have decided to publish a blog post whenever there is sufficient content to cover that post. It may be a weekly affair or once every a couple of days. On some occasions, it could be a post everyday, depending on whether there are interesting things which are worth noted into blog.

Don't wish to come to a point whereby I just merely describing what I did for that day - yes it's still fit into the definition of a blog, but it would be jinja boring!

Today is sis birthday. The usual practice is to get a simple decent birthday cake and celebrate it!



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