
First day of school

Today marks the first day in school after about 9 months of somesort 'holidays'. Also it's the first day of my final year.

People have been saying year 4 should be able to slack a bit here and there. But I feel that it's the busiest and most hectic, taxing, exhaustive year. Why? Becuase there's FYP.

For a start, I don't talk about FYP now as meeting prof tomorrow morning. Talk about first lesson - i.e. EE4341.

OMG, even I couldn't find the tutorial room as it isn't the usual tutorial room I've been attending. Was panting and sweating all over place once I sat down.

*Should have googled its exact location. Stabs self! What a way to start school plus some exercises! I think I might slim down if continue like that.

The lecturer had done with about 10 slides and the moment I started listening, he was talking about transfer function (laplace), the magnitude, phase, this and that... Was quite lost on the whole lecture. The myth about first lecture being introduction and talk cock session seems a fake and far reach for me. :(

Then bumped into KK, You Jin, YS, Henry today. Lunch with You Jin at executive cafe. Nice fish filet though, as long as it's not fried. Chatted quite a lot. Haha!

Heard about infocomm first lecture not that hardcore wor... Well, in a way, electronics option has always been the most 'siong' option of all EEE courses. But to go with passion or go with sheep herd mentality? Study with passion will overcome the difficulty obstacle? I have no answer for now, perhaps I will only know by May next year.

My biggest worry is actually FYP.

And the elective is making me headaches. Not about the content, but the way it's conducted. No doubt, every 2 quizzes per lesson is quite like American style - to make sure students really absorb and understand the course in constant manner, but a bit 誇張 IMO lo. Would say a quiz every 2 lessons would be nice.

*Got the feeling that I'm the lao jiao of NTU - year 4 - all seniors have graduated, including Bay. Felt good for him as no need to bother about tutorials, exams, can't get on to 179 bla bla bla. I just need to survive for one more year, before it's my turn. Somehow it just feel like NS, the counting down feeling is just I-don't-know-how-to-describe...

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