
十个不为人知的秘密 Ten secrets



It all caused by 'snowman'.
She showed this little game in her blog on the 24 Aug 2007.
Game rule: List out 10 personal secrets of the player and then publish in the blog
And then list out 6 other names, cannot throw back!

Till now then I finish the game, 'cause not many secrets mah...
Cincai la... just to accompany her to play this game.

1 小时候有这个想法:起床后不刷牙就吃东西吃不出味道来。所以起床后必定刷牙。
Must brush teeth whenever I wake up, if not I can't taste the food I eat. As in the food is tasteless.

2 小时候,表哥曾经跟我讲不好用手指指向月亮。不然月亮会下来敲我的头,误信为真。
When I was young, my cousin told me don't ever point at the moon. If not the moon will come down and beat me up and I believed that.

3 从华文老师那荣获‘最佳字体’非正式奖项。那时念小三。
When I was in primary 3, I was presented with an "unofficial" certificate from my chinese subject teacher certifying that my handwriting was too outstanding.

4 有看产品标签与规格多过看产品的习惯。
Always have the habit to read product label & specifications rather than the product itself.

5 喜欢坐车去吹风,不是嗅烟。
Like to sit in car and travel around.

6 第一次唱K是9岁。歌曲是林隆璇与周慧敏合唱的「流言」。
First karaoke session when 9 years old.

7 超喜欢吃榴莲。不懂做莫人家讲很臭,但我觉得很香,果王这个称号是实至名归的。
Super love durians. Don't know why people criticise it being very 'smelly', but I find it very fragrant. Live up to the reputation as 'King of the fruit'.

8 从小到大都想着出国旅游。哪位贵人能赞助我叻?
Have been dreaming of going overseas for holidays. Who's kind enough to sponsor me leh?

9 我的华文比英文强很多!
My Chinese is a lot more stronger than my English!

10 平日起身一定要吃早餐加一杯热饮,不然整个人不舒服酱。
On normal days, must have breakfast plus a hot drink, otherwise I would feel uncomfortable.

6 lucky winners!

1. Bay
2. Chee Chuan
3. Yi Da
4. Peng Guan
5. James
6. Yin Boon

Whether or not you know you tio liao is your home business, I'm already out of this game!

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