
Desktop down!

One of the most feared event has happened - computer down!

Using laptop to spend my day as usual, heng ah~!

Happened to my trustworthy desktop after 4 years 2 months 28 days (1550 days). As usual, switched on the computer while I went to wash up. Realised that the computer took almost forever to load Windows and just before my wallpaper showed up, the computer auto restart itself again. :(

Don't know what went wrong.

Could it be motherboard?

Could it be HDD?

Could it just be windows?

I hope it's the third scenario, because it is the easiest problem to solve. Hopefully it's not HDD. My backup only done halfway! Going to change the OS to Windows 7 though.

Just did a check on all the receipts related to this computer, the HDD warranty states 5 years from the purchase date, which means now is still within the warranty period! WD, please don't change my impression of you as same as what I did to Seagate/Maxtor. Really disappointed with them when one of the disks I have died 13 months later.

I could have better expected the outcome as all HDDs lying around my home are conventional type, meaning they have rotating parts and this translates wear and tear is inevitable. Eventually, they will go spoil and have to be changed to a new one.

Now, I need to wait for the SATA-to-USB convertor and try to see if another computer could detect this HDD as a secondary or removable one. If it does, then count myself lucky, better finish all backup, at the very least. Then decide what to do.

After which, I have a few choices to choose:

If Windows is the problem...
I better change it to Windows 7 liao lor!

If HDD is the problem...
1. Buy a new HDD, probably 2 or 3 TB, partition into 2 virtual drives.

2. Buy a SSD + 1 TB HDD (possibly 2 HDDs and do RAID?).

3. NAS(?) I'm new to this term.

If motherboard is the problem, I think I could have done a major overhaul to the system, but I think it's quite bo hua to do that as I do not need super high-end spec hardware. Happy with the current system except for the storage space a bit lacking that's all. I'm not a serious gamer but I'm a heavy user on web surfing, multimedia.

What should I do?! Haiz...

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