
Conclude 2012

2012 is coming to an end. This post shall conclude the year 2012.

First of all, I started the year with my IA. To be frank, it was a pleasant experience. 難得不用回去學校也不用考試,還有錢拿,誰不喜歡?

In the midst of doing my internship, I got the chance to really relax myself a bit. Going out after work seemed to be so much enjoyable task. 無憂無慮的說~

Started chasing Running Man. To be honest, it has replaced my weekly dose of Taiwanese variety shows,  The ideas used were fresh, something you couldn't think of it. Unlike TW variety shows where contents could be different, but the theme was the same, kept using it again and again. Hmm, seems like I'd go after new ideas.

Oh ya, celebrated birthday for Nicholas and JX too! How to celebrate when I'm busy catching up school stuff during that period?

The IA lasted for 23 weeks then came the busy holidays. Immediately after the IA, straight away gotta prepare birthday celebration for PG, subsequently HH. The most difficult was HH birthday, 搞了那麼多花樣,加上驚喜,壽星公還不領情,有人還要被罵 =.= 有一點小無言的說…… 有人為你慶祝生日實屬難得的了,他們沒有義務要為你慶祝的好不好。往後日子看還有沒有這種待遇了咯。

Also, came to my surprise was HL and my birthday celebration. 真的沒想到的說,但一概如常我只要簡單地慶祝就好了,不用大費周章猶如全國上下、各個鄉親父老、男女老少、扶老攜幼在慶國慶醬。

Cycling around East Coast Park on a sunny day! :)

Cleared RT and IPT. Waiting for RT in March 2013 now.

The 8 Korean classes! It was very fun learning the Korean language. It struck me that it really attract students to pay attention if the teacher knows how to engage students in whatever form he/she can, be it good drawing, jokes and malu moments... Otherwise, language classes can be boring one if you're not very very very very interested in that language.

So far I could say, Korean is really super simple to learn. But to master, that's another story. But half the battle's won! Left the honorific, grammar and the vocabulary to build up one's language skills. And yeah, know one Korean friend from the class!

After which was the HH's chalet @ Pasir Ris. Fun, but if the host is not fun enough, then I feel it's rather failure actually - you leave the guests hanging.

And then the 恐怖的 MINDEF notification came. It's my first ICT! What a way to welcome 開學…… It added on the stress I'm having.

The 1st semester for year 4 was horrendous. Everyone was trying hard to catch up, including me. HRM was one they say killer module. I shall agree with them, after I received the results. Prof communication, luckily got CX, otherwise I think I'd die also. And I shan't comment on the other group members.

And of course came the exams, I didn't do well of course. That's why I need to work a lot harder next semester. And I guess it would be better than this sem. Why? Because there's no communication module, no more withdrawal sufferings for me (accustomed back to school life), no HRM. But there's ENS, hopefully it would be better than HRM.

Then bought Cowon J3 MP3 player and Panasonic LX7. The J3 serves as the primary MP3 player while the iPhone becomes the secondary. J3 is able to tune itself to different earphones to produce the desired sounds, which is what I want. On the other hand, the same pair of earphones on iPhone sound rather flat. J3 will have a punchier sound.

The LX7 is the 2nd 正統 camera that I actually own. The first one was also a Panasonic, model name DMC-F7, owned about 8 years ago. Haha, the Amazon's black friday offer of USD 299 was really too irresistable liao, so the LX7 is the new camera that I take ownership. It's a nice camera and contains a lot more functions than the F7 which I need to learn and master. But currently now busy with FYP, not much time to go around shooting photos with it.

Went ICT on the 10 December 2012. Clementi Camp hasn't changed much, but the guardhouse had been renovated. The mess was gone and I kinda miss the mess food liao. The $2 nasi lemak, the legendary commando cutlet, and the san lao hor fan (三撈河粉) ordered by Wei Qi almost without fail. Instead of staying right up the small hill, now I sleep 'downstairs'. Didn't have the chance to visit the K9 and I'm not sure if anybody I know still stationed there.

First day was quite slack, had a trip to Gardens by the Bay in the afternoon. Remained quiet all the way as there is absolutely nobody I know who is also inside this unit. It's only the second day when I have no choice, and they broke us into sections, then I started to make friends and intro myself to them. Most of them ORDed later than me, kinda made me a bit unique lo.

Now back to reality, it's coming to the end of 2012. It's definitely a busy year for me, especially in the latter half of the year. A lot of events had happened and I'm just wow-ed by them. Also, progressing into the final year is stressful. The FYP marks the finale of the university education, so I'm putting a lot of focus on it. Final year also means I begin to see some lights at the end of tunnel. The desire to graduate got stronger as the days past by, macam countdown ORD like that lol. But it also means it's another journey liao. 好不好走就看自己了。

So what did I achieve in 2012? The most prominent thing I've observed from myself is that I tend to see things from different angles, 同樣的東西但得到的結論也會有一點差別。多多少少還更成熟一點。而且看的東西也更多了。

2013, 加油吧!아자아자!

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