
External Harddisk

After 2 incidents of internal harddisk (the storage one) died, I'm really don't know when is the next one, the 16GB made by IBM one.

The computers at home, except the oldest one, actually had at least 2 harddisks for each computer system. One of which is for running Windows and to install all programs, while the other is used for storing personal files such as MP3s, videos, pictures and so on.

So I follow this quite closely, but the storage harddisk still died. Strangely, the system harddisk still can function. So in the end, all information stored in that harddisk cannot be retrieved back.

Fortunately, I keep backups on all computers, so the loss is not that bad as expected.

Now, I would want to keep an external harddisk to store everything. At least, the harddisk can last for a couple of years more and it is PORTABLE.

So this coming SITEX 2007 @ expo, would be heading down to see if there's any good offers. Would want one which comes with at least 3 years of warranty. Best if it's 5 years.

Today went for driving lesson again, the execution of the subject is not the problem. But it's the bad habit of me not checking for safety at times. Hmm... this one must improve lor. But heng ah, this time round, the instructor passed me 3 subjects.

Edited: Something to add on
Just before I went for the lesson, I saw Eugene. Surprisingly this world is just too small liao la! Anyway, he's learning to drive a bike while I learn how to drive a car.

Saw a few RECs on the way home. Are they allowed to book out so early??

Found this photo on the net, quite funny to look at the comments on the photo:
1. Over speed的话~~ 它会上你的车尿尿~~
2. 它还会丢香焦皮...
3. 那个是丢去你的车轮~~ -----> 它要看漂移...
4. Mata幾時請了這麽一個特務?死了……不可以開快車鳥…
5. 哇!好专注的眼神,驾车小心!


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