
NTU Year 1 Semester 1 Week 5 review

Quizzes are coming up!!! Oh no!

And for you, 不好突然间偷袭我,想吓死我咩?

Physics II: Don't intend to launch a personal attack here, but I find there can be improvements made to the lecture notes, perhaps in terms of formatting. Now, the notes are just too confusing. Luckily I have reference book for back up.

Chemistry: Same as before, the best tutor I've ever seen. Lectures are fine.

Mathematics I: one of my favourite topics - derivatives, is going on here. Was so high over the questions that I finished almost everything in the tutorial in 1.5 hours (plus some slacking of course =) )

Computing: Starts to get complicated now, with all the !, &, = appearing all over the place. But today the lecturer shared some stories with us with regards to the subject.

Effective communication: Oops, I pon-ed the lecture. For tutorial, I didn't expect to get good remarks for our group discussion exercise because our work was considered the shortest compared to other groups. But yet we could hit the target with least number of words! Short and sweet is the key here. Haha, quite happy about that.

Lab: This is called lab work for this week? We used computers to draw out the chemical molecules then from there, we answer the questions.

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