
Movie outing today

Today went to the movie outing... haha i was the first to arrive at meeting point...

Then have lunch at Causeway Point... Quite good lar... $5 leh... dare to say the food not nice?!

The movie we watched was the HITCH... the movie is ok lar... Some parts were funny while some parts I actually cannot catch up. My english is poor!

Then we went to WCP... where we played card games and those facilities there lor. There was one time we played at MacDonald's premises... The public actually saw us playing dai dee... Actually I don't feel comfortable playing there and feel that we should have chosen a better place to play~

After dinner at Mac... I went home, feeling exhausted.


Picnic today

Hmmm.... yesterday went to the IT show... It was so crowded! Whether it was in the exhibition hall or outside... Crowds of people were seen. Wow... Bought a 128MB SD card for my digital camera. Quite a bargain though.. hehe... The card was to replace the supplied 8MB SD card... which I think is quite pathetic if you like shooting.

Quite tired yesterday... Today went to a picnic with my family, my friend and my relatives at Kranji Reservoir.. The place is quite ok lar... You can fish for lobsters there lor... I did not catch it, I simply cannot have the patience. haha :)

On the other side, you can actually view across the the Johor straits to see Johor Bahru city.

I listened to many stories and ate a lot. I liked the fried rice, mee goreng and the porridge. These were the food that were prepared beforehand! haha :)

Back home at around 9.40pm... I quickly showered off dirt and on the TV. The variety show was too funny haha...


Tour to JCs and Kbox trip

Hmm... these few days have been lazy to update the blog.. haha! I am that kind of person lar... most much like a PIG! hehe... :o

Thursday, that was 3 Mar, my friends and I be 'tourists' and we went to National JC and Anglo-Chinese JC. I liked ACJC more to NJC leh... :) Perhaps because of the campus ba~ The whole of NJC is built on a hill... and once the side gate is closed, you have to spend about 15 minutes getting into the main gate... (which is on the slope again -_-) However, I think the students there had their eyes on us strangely enough when we were on our school uniforms~~ -___-

After that, we went to ACJC... I think it is much better than NJC because it has almost all the facilities... There are lifts to serve you too! wah... I love the lecture halls and the multi-purpose hall... So big! Everybody has his/her seat leh~ ACJC also has swimming pool too!

But i don't think I want to get into these two JCs lar... Firstly, for NJC's case... I think I am not that hardworking and have the ability to get into it. Secondly, for ACJC's case, I think the JC is too 'angmoh' le... haha... let's stick to JJ~

Hmmm... I went to one of my friend's house too! her bedroom looks more cramped now... But I think ther are less items in her bedroom lo... That makes it a balance ba~ her bed has 'upgraded' liao, to a QUEEN size one... Good for you lor...

Yesterday, my ex-sec school classmates (also my friends lar) and I went to sing Karaoke as we have the 'urge'... Sorry arh to be extra exaggerating :) Yay, this is just 9 days after we had our karaoke session lo... I guess we have too much money liao... haha

Got into the lounge... I quickly grab the remote control and happily and excitedly select my songs lo... I don't to keep waiting leh~ haha! Then we sang wholeheartedly... Sharon showcased her RAP skill wor~ I was so envy... haha! Hmm, she has also done a great job in getting into the main voices harmoniously during songs, especially S.H.E ones... The effect was good leh, Sharon! But hor, the singing part of Selina, Hebe and Ella was like #%&^$... Eee.... I am not satisfied... But we can improve on it!

If ever there is singing competition, I would not hestitate by recommending Sharon to take part!

Jesslyn had her high pitch as well, which can be a good combination for the low pitch voices...

Yee Loong had his imitation on Andy Lau. Wah... I was so impressed by his imitated voice leh~ :p hehe... He was also SUPER ANDY LAU fans and he kept selecting those classics songs. :)

I want to sing 阿牛's 大肚腩! The lyrics is funny!


Nothing happened today...

Hmm... today is another sian day... I slept at three plus, then woke up at 9 plus.
As usual, I switched on my computer... and follow the 'routine' - went to forums and check the latest threads. hmm... today has nothing interesting for me. :(

I began to search for midis for my hp... Hmm... there are lots to choose from. However, I only want those that are music to ears... Not some alien stuff. ;) After that, I transferred some files from hp as the memory runs out liao... Then I put these midis inside. Wow, now my little T610 looks like a mini kbox le~~ haha :D

Today I experimented something new... A new program! That program is called PicturesToExe... I had a great idea... That is I put all Sentosa outing photos inside and played with it. Within a few minutes and volia! My presentation was created. I tried to send this file (about 27 MB) to yb, but sad to say... she didn't receive it throughout the whole day even after several attempts. Looks like only me can enjoy the slideshow~~ :(

Huixian chatted with me today... I found that actually she can be quite siao siao one... (haha, it's true hor.. you showed it through your actions) She kept sending nudges and made my computer earthquake liao... -_- In return, I did the same thing and we kept sending nudges to each other. Haiz...that's what we did when we had nothing to do. :) Hmm... I was quite surprised that she wanted to enter into a JC after O's... Haha, that's not too bad lar... considering that some of us wanted to drop out...

Now the time has past 12...

On the other hand, Chee Wee, one of my friends, wanted to enter JC also... :o I always thought that he would enter into a poly no matter what... But good thing is, I have someone to accompany in JC liao...

Thinking back, 401 has more people getting into polys... When the day comes, we really have to let go and be on our on... Those going to polys will have different courses to study... while those in JCs have to chiong for A's. I don't think I would let go of that... For one thing is, we are really bonded liao... I can't say the whole class, but especially with good friends lar... ;) Hmm... I will always remember those were the days de, when we were scolded by Mrs Siow - so hiong... the kindness of Mr Ting... the environment - the seating arrangement, the classroom... the faces - my friends!... the tests - EL tests, A/E maths tests... the marks - blue or red or 100 marks :)... the cold jokes - by sharon and me of course... the trips that we went out together - night trail, youth day outing, kbox, movies... the laughter... woah... Isn't it nice to think back all these memories? Feeling the happiness now~~...

Anyway, if you haven't do something to store these memories, you better do it now... Otherwise I think you really regret for life. At least keep in contact and update yourself, can? Now, I have met up with friends to go sing K on Friday~ Yay!!


First Post

After much consideration, I decided to set up a blog for myself. Don't be too surprised! I decided to use Chinese for my first post... to see how the effect is like.

我慎重考虑后,决定开一个网上日记。一个原因是觉得蛮好玩得啦!另一个呢是跟随大众——每个人都在写日记。而且回味当天的心情不是很好么?表以为我这种人不玩这种东西的~ 哈哈~ :) 这帖虽然是在2号写的,但是还是凌晨咧!我就回顾一下28号和1号所发生的事及感言。

[3月1日]睡到9.47a.m.才起身。因为凌晨1点多才睡嘛!而且我是大懒人, 又不想去学校了。第三天了喔,刚开始光明正大地‘逃课’,我还有一点担心的。习惯就好……哈哈~ Jesslyn, Yee loong他们比我乖很多呢,天天都到学校。哈哈,羡慕~

其实,我发现到拿成绩前跟后都起着没什么大变化,日子还是照样过~ 虽说英文是较以外了点,但是总体而言,我的成绩是预料之中。所以我并不感到特别开心或失望。:)


Jeannie今天寄我一些郊游的照片。真是要谢谢她!拍得还不错啦~ 由于我是掌握相机嘛,只有一张是有我在里面的~但是仅一张就足以证明我有去~ 不闷的地方,我想就是看看这些照片了。怀念中~


回到电脑前,我发闷了~闷到我睡觉了~ 还一睡睡到5点多呢!又跑去论坛一下,Sony Ericsson又发布新手机了,K750i和W800i会比较枪眼。因为它们功能强大,我很喜欢~ Nokia也不落人后,除了6230i来竞争。就让我们瞧瞧最后大赢家是谁?:)

chin chin 和 melissa也先后寄给我照片,哇拍得不错~ 很有纪念价值~ 我想我爱上了outing了吧~惨了,变穷光蛋了…… 哈哈~但是换来的友谊和回忆,却是金钱买不到的。我们真的要珍惜身边的一切。


[2 月28日] 今天是O水准考试成绩放榜日。老实说,如果我不去想我的成绩,我是不会很期待这一天的。醒了之后,我就上MSN,看看谁在线。Puihan在这个时候露了 消息给我,讲我班英文成绩尚不错,没有人不及格!数学方面呢,全部人都至少考获B3以上。成绩令人鼓舞!起初我还半信半疑的,质疑它的可信度。后来她打电 给我,语气不像在开玩笑地再跟我肯定这些消息。我喜出望外,要高兴都来不及呢。心中的大石头,终于可以放下来了。

之后呢,我换上校服就冲出家门,与Jesslyn, Yee loong, Yin boon会合。当我告诉Jesslyn这个好消息时,她高兴得喊出来~…… 天气热,就去麦当劳吃东西。我吃了2毛半的雪糕~ 享受ing


回到学校,时间还早,我们就到教师室外叫老师出来聊聊天。结果每个老师看着我们都笑了。哗!今年我们好像真的考得不错咧!过后校长宣布Jesslyn是今年的状元!再次恭喜她!连我的‘主人’,都考到15分的佳绩咧~ 他自己都没料到。真是喜讯连连。

我 领了成绩册后,百感交集。我考获12分,算相当不错的成绩。但是我看到很多人都考获这样的成绩,心里想应该有很多人L1R5的分数都跟我一样?不想这么 多了,我,怀安,Yee loong, Yuan sheng, James, Yin boon, Jesslyn, Hui xian, Ying xian到JEC去。其实我们也不知道做什么,感觉犹如在发呆酱~最后我,Yuan sheng, Hui xian, Ying xian去看Hide and Seek这部电影。
