
2015 Week 1 review

2015-01-05 Monday
Woke up at 9 am. Last day of my ‘long’ holiday. Well, it’s more like a privilege than an entitlement lo. Tomorrow have to go back office to work. Sian ahhhh!

Almost forgot the berms I wanted will be on sale at 10 am. Quickly camp in front of the computer ds and bought my first clothing from Taobao at the start of the year! What a great start of the day and also of the year! Also noticed that the weather becomes quite nice after 1 Jan too! Previously in Dec it was raining every afternoon. Another good news!

But this great start was dampened by that call. Zzz… Didn’t I tell you that I’ll be on leave till today meh? Still call for what I also won’t be able to answer you much. I must make it clear that please send email to me so that I will have time to read. 真的是煩死了!越來越不想接他的電話,什麼人的電話都可以接,覺得很煩咧!If this continues, I can’t guarantee that no coarse language or vulgarities used.

Mum asked if pyjamas are also available on Taobao. Of course there are, but maybe limited choices. Is S$8 expensive? I don't know wor.

Cooked the last 2 packets of the Thai Mama green curry instant mee coz mum didn’t go market to dabao or cook anything from the fridge. XYY! Next to try is the Penang curry mee!

While I was cleaning the house, I realised the box fan was missing. Mum said it went sot sot and spoilt - suddenly got a ‘boom’ sound and whole house went out of electricity. Batiuo… 那台風扇也夠久了吧,最少十年以上了。

PG WhatsApped saying Sebastian started following zippyzipeng?! OMO!!! News of the day leh!

Went for some runs and then sit-ups and crunches. I should do more crunches because I now then know crunches are harder to do than sit ups!

By evening, all Taobao stuff have been shipped. Mum quite yang with her purchase on Taobao. :) Again, I really enjoyed myself today although I didn't go anywhere else. 自己在家放空或者做自己喜歡做的事情,應該是很多人嚮往的日子吧。包括我自己在內。那幾乎半年在家放空還真的不錯喔,算彌補以前部門修煉少在家的時間吧。

2015-01-06 Tuesday

Dreamt of driving, I'm the driver, with YS, James, Sharon inside... then somehow got the wrong direction, then u-turn saw Pei Woon driving the car.

LOL... 什麼夢來的?

Almost late. But saw that NSF so I know definitely won't be late. And ta-da! I was on time by the time I exited Dhoby Ghaut. Luckily still able to hop onto the NEL train and bus 65.

Reached office. Surprised to see another medium packet of chocolate rice-cracker! 想想下好像是 Barry 買的……

Don't want to talk about work. It's making me very demoralised. Skipped lunch too. Well, I'm going to slim down so why not. But it's not my initial plan. My plan is to reduce the calories intake, but not completely skipping lunch. A bun or bread for lunch would be suffice but fruits and water would be much better!

The only consolation prize is that I organise an instameet now liao. A first for me. I think I'm addicted to instameet jek. HAHA!!

Bad day at work. I don't understand why 6 plus liao still want to call me. I'm not your call centre or what. Can leave WhatsApp or basic SMS what. Getting more and more annoyed. People just came back from leave, clearing emails and backlogs... Can call or what tomorrow or not?

The weather and the bad jam weren't helping at all. Took me close to 2 hours to reach home. Zzz... Next time must alight at Botanic Gardens MRT liao or check Google Maps before deciding to continue with the journey on Bukit Timah Road. Totally unexpected at all lor. Then the 154 was soooo slow. Don't understand why the bus driver wanted to stay in the inner turning lane. Bus should go at the outer turning lane mah. The single decker 154 just took that lane and finished the turn within that period. I still need to wait for 2 rounds before turning. Zzz... Wanted to go Big Box but cancelled the idea due to all these things. Saw JJC Hsien Wei on MRT - rare.

Reached home 8.40 pm liao. Zzz...

Uncle said help buy 十萬個為什麼 DVD and 巧虎 DVD from Taobao. Not expensive ds and 順便分擔一些跨國運輸費。^^

2015-01-07 Wednesday

Morning got so many already charged-up gadgets need to be put back to place. Again also left house a bit late. But fortunately that NSF appeared again so once again I knew I'm not going to be late to exit at Dhoby Ghaut to enjoy the free ride. I know this sounds a bit silly and retarded but that's how I keep track of my daily commute. If the NSF isn't spotted, then I have to take out phone to see the time.

Nothing much in office except that they upgraded my nickname from 富大代 to 富超大代. That's the nickname for 2015. 一年比一年慘啊!!哈哈!

Jiemin suggested to go Mcdonald's for lunch coz she wanted to collect the Line character plush toys. I was also tempted to buy lo, initially I was considering to buy or not but after that I just decided to collect everything haha. This McSpicy meal cost me $11.70!

Felt Joa, Barry and Eric a bit strange - 一直在那邊竊竊私語,好像有什麼不可告人的秘密。Then they asked JM what's her relationship with SG. Apparently they saw one photo with JM and SG only (with other people whom we don't know). Looked like JM also got something on - she took a while to answer why the photo. Common friend? Lol...

Then Barry said later evening go ask SG 整個來龍去脈... JM just gave the '無奈 and 我投降你們不要再問我了' expression and answered 你自己去問他咯. The feeling I got is the more people ask the more she looks like she got something to hide lo. Then Joa created a WhatsApp group convo - I'm not inside - and they started chatting. 我很想八卦可是還是安分守己就好。

Afternoon went Kranji site to do some work. Luckily ended rather early left at 6 pm. But my phone dropped while going down the stairs!!! ^#*($%&^@ The only consolation is other than some minor scratches, the phone is working fine. Phew but saggy... :(

End of this year can change phone liao! Hurray!

2015-01-08 Thursday
Morning accompanied Joa to go down buy breakfast and she revealed the true relationship between SG and JM! 果然不出我所料!Barry on MC and didn't come to work.

Meeting was super smooth. Much smoother than Tuesday lo so it's still not so bad lo. Went back office to find Joa for lunch. Told her will reach in 5 mins but I was 1 min earlier! She was so stunned that I reached office so fast LOL. The fact was that someone alighted just outside the gate so I just hopped in and there was no red light. Yang!

Went out to PS with Joa for lunch. She said all of them quite stunned by SG and JM incident lor and it was Jiayi who spotted the unusual. Lol... I said actually the response and behaviour of JM at lunch yesterday is already giveaway liao.

She felt that Barry seems no mood to work liao. Aigoo how about me? 也都要硬撐下去咯,熬多一個一年醬再打算。

Had 板麵 for lunch. The taste was a bit different than the last time I had lo. Joa had Indonesian grilled chicken. Joa wanted to buy some art & craft stuff. Paper Market was closed for annual stock-taking exercise. She left while I went Daiso and Cold Storage for short while before going meeting.

Meeting lasted freaking long 6 hours mcs?!

I badly need a Friday rejuvenating dinner or outing to distress!

Went back office at 8.30 pm to finish off some work. I'm so tired and saggy...

Finally left office at 9.40 pm. So tired le...

2015-01-09 Friday
Today was a bit late ds. Exited Dhoby Ghaut at 7.47 am - almost cannot get the free ride. But yeah, managed to get it. What a relief!

Went down to client office. 另外一件我不是很喜歡做的事情是索取簽名,難過拿偶像簽名好不好?Wasted half of my morning lo.

Rushed back to office to have lunch with Barry. Had 板麵乾. Yaaa... again haha! Love the dry version but I prefer the normal noodles rather than the thin thin ones.

Went home at 6 pm. I also no mood to work till so late. TGIF!!! Again, I can't help myself but rant again - don't understand if you know it's Friday somemore 7 pm liao then why call? It's likely that I won't pick up coz I already left office liao mah. Zzz... Don't let such things affect my weekend mood. Then Uncle came with a surprise - brought 3 papayas. 10 cents each only!!! 虧本生意了吧?! 堂弟堂妹很會去觸摸我的東西!

Then PG called and leaked some very bitchy secrets among the people on Instagram, especially that ****y! Omo omo omo!

Rat found in the vegetable dish?! OMG!


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