This was the much anticipated event.
Each of us waited almost 3 years just for it to happen.
Hmm... Earlier on, we kept discussing about this but no conclusion was arrived.
Finally got a SMS from a former classmate that there would be a dinner gathering on the 16th.
Without hestitating, I replied 'YES' to the outing!
Unfortunately, the day before I was the kennel master, so cannot go out with those who were free on Saturday.
Then HX MSNed me on the net and asked me if I want to join her, together with YS, HA and WT. Since I have nothing on, so I anything lor. (don't say whatever hor! =X)
I thought I was the first to arrive at Jurong East MRT platform, but to my surprise, everybody was there, waiting for me. Haha, it's good to be punctual.
I learnt from them that, HX has applied for SIM, WT and me applied for NTU, HA maybe go overseas for further studies and YS going overseas in Nov.
Mrs Siow was on the same train as us, what a coincidence!
While waiting for others at City Hall MRT station, we chit chated about everything, just to update each other. A record of 20 people excluding Mrs Siow turned up for the dinner with Vincent only came after the photo taking session.
The restaurant was located at CityLink mall and we reserved our places prior to our visit. It was a restaurant that serves Japanese food, but Chinese and Western food are also available. The price.. hmm... shan't comment on that. Due to our large group size, the waitress had problem taking our orders. =X
I ordered black pepper prawns + rice set ($7.90 + $2.50), 6 pcs maki ($2.90) and hot cappuccino ($2.50). In the end, I ended up paying only $10.50. Hehe... Shh!!! Don't tell others hor!
At esplanade, we had photo taking show. Shan't comment much, wait you see the photos ba~
The event ended with Sharon, YB, PH, Jess, HA, MY, Nancy, WT, SY and Mrs Siow going back as a group. Then CC, XL and Melissa went back as a group too. Joel left us at CityLink. Me, Vincent and HX went home too. As a result the remaining 3 guys and 2 girls cannot be together, so SM and ML went home le. Don't know what happened to YS, YL and James after that.
Whenever I am with my sec school classmate, I feel really great as I can be myself at all times. No need to be stressed up. Hope each of us can allocate our time to attend more of this event in the near future!
Comments on ex-classmates:
1. WT: 恭喜被南大录取其艺术设计与媒体课程!要加油哦!咦?!其中一张照片(不在此页内)的你是不是暗恋老师?
2. SM: 我还以为你是女版的车太铉!因为真的有点像咯!衣着跟3年的你有大改变,但脸形却没有变到。哈哈
3. PH: 你的皮肤很白皙!第一眼望过去真的被吓到。这个发型还不错看。
4. CC: 四千金的其中一位……
5. SY: 拿着文件夹子走来走去的……拜托!现在不是上课时间诺?!
6. YB: 你的衣着很class喔~
7. Jess: 没什么改变到
8. MY: 若说“女大十八变“,我觉得你是两位中的其中一位。看惯你戴眼镜了啦~~
9. ML: 你就是另一个有着“女大十八变”称号的女生咯!
10. Nancy: 名副其实的“天才,天生万难无惧,满头脑都是鬼点子,时常语出惊人咧!
11. HX: 翻版许慧欣!别假假了,明明就跟许慧欣很像,但一直否认……
12. XL: 还是一样古灵精怪
13. Melissa: 你戴眼镜比较斯文点
14. Sharon: 华文越来越棒的她那晚被冷落了——众人的菜都上桌了,就唯独她一个不能开动馋嘴!
15. James: 嗯,只是高一点点,黑一点点,头发少一点点。
16. YL: 你就是负责策划,协调和主办的大伟人!谢谢!
17. YS: 你的黄衣特别抢眼咧!不管是前景还是背景都很醒目咯!
18. Joel: 也是高一点点,黑一点点,头发少一点点。
19. Ben = 丑八怪 + 大胃王一个
20. HA: 搞笑王一个……
21. Mrs Siow: 咦?!我以前在学校看过你穿这套褐色上衣加长裤喔!
无奈费解: 她们俩干嘛笑成一团?做了见不得光的事?
帮派谈判:eye power! 不知随时演变成骂架?p/s: 老师你在帮谁?
三女一男:WT你破坏了整张照片的美感。哈哈! P/S: 上两张都属桌3
丰富大餐:难得有相聚,既然舍得花,那么就豁出去吧! 偷拍有罪 · 揭发丑态!:我打瞌睡啦!难道这也是犯法的吗?!
限女除男:women only! 美丽的花朵是需要叶子来衬托才会好看的咯!p/s:WT,你要晕了吗?
高大男生:可惜我不是!现在才发现我只是比老师高那么一点点罢了 =X