Finally my deserved break is here. Whole day stayed at home with a nap in the afternoon - too tired liao.
out la kopi with Choo at 9.30 pm. What a surprise invitation from him
as I think we haven't meet each other for very long liao. He has just
finished his last exam yesterday so it's a good time to catch up with
his friends ba - afterall now is December, holiday mood leh. Also asked
PG if he will be staying up or not, to pass him the taobao stuff - they
have been idling around my house for almost 1 month liao. But as it was
close to 9 pm liao so I postponed PG one to after the la kopi session to
avoid being late for Choo's one.
Saw the red light camera
flashed when I was at Woodlands Avenue 12 - looked like the car did
dash across the road after the red light. But the red light was lit for
quite sometime liao leh, the driver should have sensed it and stopped
the car. Sway lor... 誰管……
He asked me for the salary I'm
getting now. I only told him it's above 3k - that's what almost all of
NTU EEE graduates are getting now what. No 3k for an university
engineering graduate a bit saggy leh.
Went to Casuarina
Curry. Choo said recently got a lot of speed cameras installed. We saw
one at Upp Thomson Road, speed limit only 70 km/h. He also mentioned
there was another one at SLE.
Then when he changed topic
to Casuarina Curry restaurant, I raised my eyebrows when he said he came
here 'sometimes' - so meaning he la kopi quite often la? He then
clarified that this sometimes refers to the occasions he brought his
parents there to jiak prata lor.
Luckily the carpark was
not full - managed to park into the lot in just one try with the car
aligned more to the kerb. 對於自己的停車技術感到欣慰,呵呵!Ordered a kosong and an iced
milo. Though I didn't frequent the outlet a lot but I noticed that the
restaurant seems to raise price now. Choo just said confirm got raise
The kosong prata came shortly after. 好小喔!又貴又小的說!要不是跟朋友聚一聚,我才不要光顧了。其實跟朋友會面聊天,最重要是聯絡感情,其餘的都不是那麼重要,不是嗎?
thought Bay still work in a bank... Hello~~ That one is during Bay's
attachment in 2011 leh. So long ago liao leh. 我們都一致同意他真的好有錢啊!
was so amused by my colleagues. Ya I told him about Barry 'threatened'
me to drink the beverage he bought despite me replied him I don't want
any drink after he asked me want drink or not. Then also mentioned about
Joa's Fear mongering tactic on me. He totally spewed some vulgarities
coz too amused by it liao. Oh well, I rather have people like that than
those who play offlice politics one lo. Hehe!
Then when
talking about my job again, I thought he didn't know in depth of my job
scope. But when he was able to mention that I went to Spain for work
training, I was confused already. Did we meet up after I started working
and prior to this meet up? I can't remember liao. But anyway he got a
good memory wor, still able to remember that I went to Spain before.
saggy when he said he hasn't cleared any of the reservist. On the other
hand, he clocked 2.4 km with an unknown timing so he got 51 points,
just nice to pass the IPPT without incentive. I don't know how well I
will do in IPPT. Wait for April next year ba.
about the job that he's applying for, it's some event coordinator, so it
implies that Choo will not have many free weekends and it makes meeting
friends more difficult liao. T.T But in a way, it's similar to K9 days
Damage: $9.10 (total $9.10)
Quite expensive leh! My kosong prata costs $1.20 and that iced milo costs $1.60. Total $2.80 only. Even if factor in the service charge and GST, still also quite expensive for Choo leh. What he ordered har? Also a piece of prata (I think is egg and cheese ba) and a kopi mah... 能貴到哪裡去.
I think he's using Samsung Galaxy S5 now. I thought he went back to iPhone kakaka.
we mentioned his dog bite incident while on our way back ds. He got 1
month ATT C, then 2 weeks of ATT B so that he could go on leave after
ATT B period. Jin du lor...
He still got painting works tomorrow to do. Wakakaka...
Then went to find PG to pass him those Taobao stuff.
went Sync Korean to meet his sec sch friends. Ordered kid's meal mcs?!
But he said the jam quite nice which I don't agree. I think it looks and
tastes like our economical fried mee lor.
He said a few things very bx.
Quite expensive leh! My kosong prata costs $1.20 and that iced milo costs $1.60. Total $2.80 only. Even if factor in the service charge and GST, still also quite expensive for Choo leh. What he ordered har? Also a piece of prata (I think is egg and cheese ba) and a kopi mah... 能貴到哪裡去.
- 與 explodingbelly 的 instameet 告吹了。原因是明天 explodingbell有訓練,是補回今天取消的訓練檔的。
- HL knows that we have been interacting with explodingbelly she also wants to meet her. 很毒!
- HH spent $400-500 on winter wear. 不講我都沒有想到都要買冬裝,還沒飛去就花大錢了。PG 的看法是其實冬裝可以不要那麼貴的,就是 Uniqlo, H&M 這一類的服裝店賣的冬裝頂多去到 36 號尺碼。至於 HH,他需要 39-40 號的大尺碼,最終不得不從 Pull & Bear 這種比較高級的服裝店買 ang moh size 的說。都說了注意飲食減肥減重,很多問題就一起解決了呀!加上這次一家人去(除了哥哥一家人之外),又不能跟家人還是親友什麼的,借幾套冬裝去韓國。回來又無用武之地的說。只能說他太有錢了。
- 由於人數太多,HH 的住宿分為兩間房。其中一間還是我們在 Hongdae 住過的!拜託!
- 最近 HH 有幾張照片特別有水準,PG 看了就留言咯。豈料引起他的注意,就 WhatsApp PG 澄清都是 Nicholas 幫他打點滴的——從擺好食物、飲料及擺設品之後一路到照相儲存下來為止。然後 HH 看到 PG 只對於 Nicholas 用 HH 的手機拍出來的照片有留言後,整個人變 saggy 去,問道為什麼沒有在他自己親身拍的照片而留言。哎喲喲,當然啦!你拍的照片那麼醜,有些還失焦去,怎麼跟 Nicholas 的高潮水準攝影技術比啊?
- meansegg 也是很不行。據 PG 的描述,當日只有 PG、HL 跟 Nicholas 出席 8 Days Eats 的試吃活動,而就跟 meansegg 一起聊天。這時 meansegg 就問他們是不是還有多一位朋友,被反問回是誰後,meansegg 就提起我。眾人都咋舌去,她怎麼那麼清楚我們的關係啊?Stalk instagram stalk 到很緊咧!
- Nicholas 約人出來陪他‘做工’約到很兇,都是那種撒大網,不管大魚小魚有捕獲魚就 ok 的心態。也是聽 PG 說有時候光顧的咖啡館不值得寫稿出版,所以開銷只能吃自己咯。就算是稿子得以出版,也是很難賺到錢,因為稿費全都拿去貼點餐費用了。說不定可能連車馬費都補補回來。
- Zanthera 跟 weeatfish 近日在 PG 的圖片有很激烈的互動,這一切都被 PG 關注到的說!