This is a rant post.
Decided to stop updating my blog temporarily, until at least after exams. I have a few posts to make though.
This sem's schedule is super super hectic and I don't know why. Feel cheated by the general perception that final year should be the most slack and enjoyable.
But NO!
On surface, it says 16AUs this sem. But I'm getting 26 or even 30 AUs' feel. The 2AU design elective can take on my 2nd FYP, seriously. Am I going to write a report of more than 50 pages possibly? I have only 2 weeks left to do. :(
The so-called 'core' subjects are relatively more rigorous, I have been seeing countless of big expressions every now and then. Super difficult to catch up also. Can't imagine life as a IC designer. On the other hand, perhaps I'm not specialising in any option, so that leaves a leeway for me to breathe for a little while.
HRM and prof comm. The former, I don't know if textbook is a necessity and I haven't got it yet! T.T The latter, heng is a 2AU module and the workload is something I can manage. With what I am experiencing now, it is of no wonder why lectures for these 2 modules are almost deserted. Guess people are also struggling with school work. Especially when they also have something similar to the design module.
Next sem is a 14AU one. I can't imagine how am I going to survive that. But have to pray hard to secure the degree I want...
Have been seeing people going for recruitment talks, looking for job opportunities. But till now, I haven't got the time to go. Seriously, life is damn hectic for me. I've lost my social life for now. I don't know what I want to do after graduation. Having said that, with the amount of workload now, I definitely looking forward to graduation trip. Means I have to work doubly or triply hard for now.