
Starbucks 10% extra top up offer

Today was 9 December 2013. Based on the Starbucks Christmas offer for 2013, top up the Starbucks card will get 10% more credit. Minimum is $50 though, so the minimum offer is $5 extra.

Didn't know till PG told me at 4 plus, said he saggy didn't bring the card to work today. As such, he was heading home early to grab the card.

But but but... both of us didn't go top up until 8pm! LOL! Went for a 2.4 km run in the evening and don't know what PG did from 5pm to 8pm lol...

There WERE people queuing up just to redeem the offer. And also bumped into Benjamin Pong, 四姨 and YD. Only 四姨 one was that she recognised me first before I could saw her. The other 2 was the other way round, didn't say hi too. Especially YD, need to 閃!

YC also tagged along. While I was doing some shopping at NTUC Jem, they two already devoured sushi bought from Isetan! O.o! Omggaakkk ds! And when I found them at the void deck of MRT station, they were enjoying some Taiwanese snack from Beans Talk. 還不錯味道的,$2其實不會貴,因為料給得很足,給到滿的說。買一份回家後發現家人不high,以後不買了……

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