
Riot at Little India


Saw the news and netizens discussing about riot at Little India yesterday night. I think it was the first riot to happen in Singapore after so many decades since the last riot.

Apparently it was caused by a bus driver knocked down an Indian foreign worker who was believed to be drunk. After that, swarms of people began to attack the bus and overturned the cars nearby, including police car. The bus caught fire in the end.


But honestly la, I myself also experienced before. Both pedestrians and vehicles are having headaches at Little India. On one hand, they don't care about traffic lights and just cross as and when they like. On the other, vehicles have to keep a lookout, who knows when they would appear on the road.

Anyway, the news was shocking to SG and it was reported around the world. 就這樣紅到外國去,不懂是丟臉還是尷尬。以後的social studies還有ENS不懂要怎樣報導此事件了說。

But to me, I'm quite indifferent because I have bigger things to worry about - my job hunt. Getting more and more depressed ds...

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