
JB trip with uni clique

Max's idea to go JB coz he wanted to shop! 看到手頭緊,我不敢亂花錢,最多花在吃飯方面就好了。

Met LF, Max and HY at Kranji MRT. I was about 10 mins late and HY only reached at 10.35 am. Honestly, I knew it would jam on Sat but didn't expect it was THAT jammed. The queue for 170 could almost make one full round around the MRT station liao. Just by queuing for bus, it took us an hour just to get to Woodlands Checkpoint.

*LF's words really struck me. Hard truth. She was saying that my intern company if no job offer made from them usually is almost impossible to get in le. So much so for clinging into the hope that I could go back and no need interviews. Perhaps this is why I got A for IA??? Hmm... 還是放棄希望吧。

The horror continued after getting passport scanned at the counters, as soon as we came down the escalators, the queue snaked its way from the landing pad of the escalator to the boarding bay. Keyword is snake. 人多到排隊都要繞圈圈變蛇形去。It was that bad.

Luckily the part on the Causeway itself was quite good. The bus driver was skilful in the sense that he knew when and where to cut his way into the front to skip lots of car taking up the bus lane. So the whole journey only took some 10 mins at most?

As LF is holding a China passport, this was my first time experiencing how long will a China passport clear itself at Malaysian custom. It turned out that it was quite long! While there was some queue for the autogate, the queue for foreign passport was long and I had to wait for the 3 of them to clear.

City Square was 人山人海. Some local malls are worse...

First thing was lunch at Dragon-i @ City Square. I think they really wanted a Chinese style meal where there were fish, crab, etc. LOL... 真的很會享受呢!Although there was queue, it wasn't a long wait before we were being served. A hearty meal... 就算沒叫一人一碗飯,單單吃肉菜都很撐的說。


上海炸排骨拉麵 (RM 16)

 上海小籠包 (RM8)




Damage: RM211 (Paid RM50 only)

Walked around City Square. Went into Padini store and Max got himself a shirt (semi-casual, can be an office shirt too) and pants for RM168. The girls didn't buy anything there but tried out the sunglasses! LOL... Then we moved to Neway, oops!!! I only told them there is a karaoke outlet in City Square only lo, but didn't expect they would high over karaoke ds.

Took up both student and member offer. Separated into two bills as student cannot mixed with beer...
- Student offer: 30% off the entrance fee (RM30, minus off RM9)
- Member offer: RM100++ for the beer


那酒也給到這麼大樽啊!除了那大樽的啤酒之外,另外給了那個價錢還有兩大杯啤酒,總算物有所值啦!真的很多酒耶!好才沒醉的說,嘻嘻!所以每個人得到一份餐點、一份飲料、啤酒還有一瓶礦泉水tim... 不懂礦泉水是包括在哪一個package裡面,因為原本的package是提供有味飲料,而沒有礦泉水的。還真的賺到的說!

Of course I made use of this opportunity to make one member card for myself. RM15++ and it's lifetime. 去一次都值回卡費了。A little hiccup happened though: the mic system got no sound coming out after the first song 「被風吹過的夏天」 - 就算現在唱還是很有感覺的說。 Allocated to another room instead which was the one we got often when I went with PG they all. Nonetheless, they were pretty surprised by the good service at Neway: one wireless mic for each person, mic cover provided, sound system a lot better (according to HY la), service crew escort them back to room from toilet, in addition there's a phone app for song selection - no need to snatch the remote lo... 呵呵雖然講過了,但再講過都無妨,因為每次帶新人過去新山唱他們都會給這樣的反應。呵呵……

都話過不會輸給新加坡任何一間Karaoke - 除了Temasek Club那間,因為那邊的比較誇張一點:用投影機當屏幕!


Damage: RM50.675 (karaoke head & membership card charge) + RM29 (beer) but only paid RM50

After karaoke, went back to shop a bit. Max retrieved his altered pants after purchasing at Padini. Visited Cotton On store, HY tried out dress and skirt. Honestly, it didn't looked that bad la. Try going out with skirts too! I too tried a casual shirt, but the price of RM79 really put me off. Afterall, seeing the currency exchange rate on the label, maybe buy in SG would be cheaper. It was 1:3.x!!! That's way too ex le.

Then HY and LF bought a pair of shoes and swimming goggles respectively. Goodness, 他們是在太厲害花錢,花到各個都沒錢給,最後去對面貨幣兌換商換多一點錢。The shoes HY bought looked nice and cost RM 249, won't be obvious to others that it was from CAT brand. LF had 50% for the goggles, 合折回新幣都不到十塊。便宜喔~

Lastly, had some BBQ sticks before we headed home... Guess I didn't really like to eat BBQ now. 看到食物上的燒焦部分,還真的不敢吃下去的說,怎麼烤到那麼焦啊?


Finally home at 2340 hours.


夜晚,不管是什麼時間,是早也好,遲也好,走路回家都會有一種格外emo feel~ 不是悲觀的那種emo,而是一邊慢慢走著一邊聽著歌從地鐵站徒步回家其實不但能運動有益身心,還可以一個人獨處靜下來,想起很多東西。我不知道什麼時候開始有這個習慣走回家,猜想應該是開始當兵的時候吧,那時候就開始有出門逛街,逛到夜晚回家就走路咯。之前JC都沒有醬子,之後讀大學都搭巴士回家的。



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