
Bari Uma Ramen + Starbucks Open House event 2013 + Westgate

Went to Bari Uma Ramen @ Tanglin Shopping Centre with WX. Thanks WX for for breads!


I had the Ajitama-Uma ramen ($15) while WX ordered the most expensive ramen from the menu - the Chashu-Uma ramen ($19.50) + top up $1.50 to add an egg. He didn't have breakfast!


The first thing I noticed was the thick broth! It was really rich and not too watery - nice! But I would like to see the chashu being sliced into thinner pieces, would 提升口感 ds. Too bad it wasn't pork cheek as the fats there would 'soften' the whole 咬勁. As for the egg, it was perfectly prepared! 100% 完全日式熟雞蛋!

Nice late lunch at town.

Damage: $17.55

Then moved off to walk around ion, Wisma and Taka. Didn't see any cakes on display for sale at Muji - 有少許失望的說,會不會隨季節售賣啊?WX xyy went Stereo to see earphones - 他完全是耳機收藏家!要幾對耳機才夠啊?Heng he didn't buy anything lol. Then saw 꼬꼬면 on sale at Cold Storage @ Taka. $7.70 有一點買不下手,下回開始工作就倒回去買吧……至少知道Cold Storage有賣。

PG reached Starbucks @ NUS Medicine block early to support the Open House event. Donate to get a free drink wor! Fortunately, the initial queue wasn't long and we got our drink within 15 mins! Pretty fast. But the drinks were at most mediocre. A bit let down with this year's event - same for last year too. Tried out 2 out of the 3 drinks - cranberry white chocolate mocha and peppermint mocha. The latter had more 'taste' than the former, I can't taste any cranberry taste lor. Didn't try the toffee nut latte as I thought it would be just normal coffee taste.


Halfway through, suddenly HH sent PG a photo of his Starbucks drink. 我不知道意圖是什麼,可能是純粹分享、可能是要丫丫~ 我看後者成分多一點,呵呵呵…… *遮住嘴巴笑~* PG看了之後既興奮又激動,完全流口水滴到他作業紙上! *EEEEEEeeeekkkkkk!!!* 不過話說回來,明講自己找不到人陪買Starbucks,自己最後還不是帶著兩位朋友去xyyStarbucks…… 他的話我已經分不清哪句是真哪句是假了。最誇張的是他本周最少喝了兩杯喔!

WX left home for dinner. Then we dinner at NUS canteen, for the first time, I couldn't finish the yong tau foo noodles. *胃口小了!* $1.80 is really xyy. Chated and laughed at dinner, what a nice experience there! :) Then moved off to explore Westgate.

Was surprised to find that the developer is rushing to open Westgate but still got works still unfinished. Aiyo, I don't think the public minds 1-2 weeks later then open lo, at least get the mall basic stuff ready mah. The layout was somewhat weird - triangular one - but at least it's so much better than Vivo and Nex. Nex is like shopping in a maze lor.

Lots of Japanese restaurants this time round and 4fingers and Tim Ho wan finally found its way to Jurong! Oh oh oh oh oh~~~~ No need to go to town Plaza Sing to try le. Skinny Pizza also located there ds.

We didn't see after 9pm promotion for Isetan sushi dept leh, looks like WX have to be disappointed lor. The bakery outside Isetan 真的生意興隆咯!Their breads look not bad ds. Ahhhh~ Imperial Treasure bakery also open a shop at Westgate. Xyy can buy their 菠蘿包當早餐了!

*看到自己同屆Intern的在Exxon打工然後都穿上工作制服,不禁又再次emo去……我也希望有一份工作然後盡全力去做好它,什麼工作已經不重要了。之前還幻想這個幻想那個,什麼exxon夢、什麼不是你去找工,而是工作找你、什麼為了賺多一點錢還想在Jurong Island上班,現在都是假的。目前行情似乎對我不利,我怕年尾前還要繼續吃閉門羹。沒錢什麼都無需想無需談,我也很輕鬆地禁得起Amazon Black Friday的誘惑,一分錢都沒花過。事實上,我現在唯一在shopping list上的只有一台monitor了。物資上,我已經別無所求,或許回到樸素的我學會知足常樂未嘗不是一件壞事,還能成為優點的說。

現在的我靠跑步及看戲來減壓及打發時間咯。同一時間追著兩部港劇 + 及一部韓劇「상속자들」忙到鬼醬。醬的日子是還不錯啦,但一想到沒工作難免會有一點失落。

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