The list of people who celebrated birthday with Timothy:
1. Me
2. Kenny
3. Edmund
4. Leon
5. Timothy (寿星公)
6. Nicky
7. Cheung Jie (joined in later)
Had a fulfilling lunch at New York New York Citylink Mall outlet. Each person had a stick of candy floss to eat (开胃菜?Don't know how to spell the english term for this... paiseh). Ordered this pasta with roasted half chicken (don't know how to spell the name out, it's long!). $15.90. The pasta looked like mee pok and the gravy was very creamy. Chicken was nice.
Timothy ordered Yankee burger! Shared with Edmund and Kenny. It was super jumbo big. The burger was designed to shared by 4, but it was shared by 3 la... Me and Cheung Jie helped to finish the fries. Timo mentioned the plate was so big it looked like UFO. lol
The staff there made a very simple birthday bash for Timo (22 Aug) and Edmund (18 Aug). The two still want to get away from it by going to the toilet. Wahaha... The present was candy floss made into a rabbit shape. Kenny laughed at the funny shape like crazy. Siao
After that Kenny and Nicky went off first, with rashes and meeting up with a female friend as excuses respectively. We continued to wander around marina square. Initially wanted to have a movie, but me and Cheung Jie objected the idea. Also not much movie to watch lor.
In the end had pool game. $12 for 1 hour. Ex. Should have went Temasek Club. Edmund was pro and I tyco! Haha...
Then kopi session with Choo at upper thomson road there. Had a good chat for 2 hours. Jansen and Bay don't want to go. In the end I had to be the driver. At least Jansen had some valid reasons, ok forgive him. Bay是能推就推,又不讲原因。给他气死掉。Somemore he lives so near to Choo and tumpang him back what... Such a good offer also don't want. 走宝咯!以后你要都不能呼风唤雨啦。
Olympics update
Again, it was table tennis day yesterday. Li Jia Wei lost to Guo Yue, said sayonara to the bronze medal liao. But 4-2 was a good match lo. At least it's not 4-0 nia.
Next it was the gold medal match between Zhang Yining and Wang Nan. Nice game la! Zhang Yining won the game. It's interesting to see all 3 China flags being raised for the medal receiving ceremony. LOL... China is just too pro in table tennis lor.
After that was the women 4 X 100m relay final match. Pity that Jamaica's team accidentally dropped the baton... Cannot continue the match liao. Sad, gold medal leh!
Back track a bit... Wang Yue Gu (ranked 7) actually lost to a player ranked 50?! Wa... Until now I still can't believe that she lost and I just couldn't explain why she was ranked 7 in the first place. I think she kept throwing the ball out of the table without hitting the table on the other side. The mistake she repeated it numourous times during team matches.
Recently, Jade Seah was spotted saying the F-word during the news presentation of the Beijing Olympics. Google it and you find the evidence in the form of video, the F-word was heard somewhere around 51st - 52nd second.
Two funny gifs... So yeng... LOL
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