1. Me
2. Bay
3. Edwin
4. Jia Yun
5. Wei Long
6. Jansen
7. Choo
8. Edmund
9. Kenny
10. Samuel
Back track a bit to what happened 1~2 weeks prior to this outing.
Choo was the one who initiated this outing. Then he asked me whether I want. Of course I agree with him la! Then I asked him to ask Bay. Ok, Bay said he want to watch. Then I asked Bay to jio more more people lor, since he on leave/off for so long liao, sitting there shaking legs is not the solution to pass the day. Ok, he said he managed to jio A-go-go and 1 神秘嘉宾. That's good news.
The day before...
As 1 August was getting nearer and nearer, I began to ask Choo and Bay about how's the preparation going on. Choo, Bay and Edwin added me to the MSN conversation and we were like 热锅上的蚂蚁, "10 marks gan cheong". Each of us searching the cinemas' websites up and down to get the available seating plans and timing. In the end we agreed on The Grand Cathay 19:15 HRS de slot.
We began to call/sms those we wanted them to go. Thanks to Jansen for his booking of tickets. And that A-go-go, spending a few more bucks wouldn't kill you la, treat it as the expenses to get to see K9 juniors lor! What the hell, when it's the 关键时刻, Bay's phone rosak... =.=
On that day...
Went to collect "food".
Saw Hing Hiang. He was there rehearsing for the upcoming big event.
It has been more than a year since I last saw him.
Time really flies.
Then saw Zi Long as well. What the hell la~
This world is soooo small that I can bump into 2 persons at the same place. =.=
Took half day and I went down to Douby Ghaut MRT's X zone to up level my driving skills at Initial D4. It's more difficult than playing that on PSP. LOL~ Anyway, the money was well spent, at least it didn't go down to waste la!
The other party was at Mind's Cafe playing games. Consisted of Edmund, Kenny, Samuel, Wei Long and Geraint. Think they had a good time together ba...
Surprised to see Zhang Zhang there, but he's not there to join us for the movie later.
Then went to eat 99c sushi as dinner at basement level of The Cathay House. Choo and Bay don't want Japanese food. Ok, it's their mouths and stomachs and they could choose what to eat. We can't stop them. Surprised to see James there... I saw him, yet he can't see me... What's this supposed to mean? I changed a lot and he didn't change? LOL~
Ate 7 plates of sushi. Jia Yun was the 大胃王, ate 10 plates. Wow~ No wonder he's bigger sized than me lor.
Eventually, what Bay described as 神秘嘉宾 didn't appear. Could it been himself? Or Jansen? I jio Jansen de lor... What did you do for the jio-ing people campaign? You very 烂啦 =.= 给你炸到惨惨,一场欢喜一场空.
Then for the seating, they also very 麻烦... Edwin suggested to let the xin jiaos have their own row, then the lao jiaos take up the remaining 2 rows. And I don't want to sit with Bay (because he will disturb me with his more-and-more-no-link ideas) and likewise Bay don't want to sit with me (scared I say 那些不应该讲的东西). In the end, me, Choo, Jansen and Bay made up 1 row.
Nowadays a lot of westerners began to notice the Chinese culture. Even the movies also. The movie itself was better than 功夫之王 IMO. Both lookalike. At least I saw a very little bit of link. Again, it's the 鬼佬 idea to mix up the Chinese ancient history with some very modern western ideas. What Mummy and 秦始皇?!
This time round, I get to hear people speaking more mandarin. The "FK" had almost 99% speaking English, including those Chinese ancient characters. Very awkward.
About the Chinese actors in the movie, it's the most disappointing thing ever. The kelefei, 琳, can support the movie even longer than those 资深演员 like 李连杰 and 杨紫琼. 严重炸到~~ =.= The rest were made up by Caucasian actors and they made it to the end.
I think this movie focus more on the action rather than the story. They made use of 秦始皇 as the base of the plot and developed from there. Not too bad la... 秦兵阵 was very magnificent, but too bad it's a mock up by computers. Nice fireworks too.
Rating: 3/5
Actually, it's good to see that even though the K-nine-lers were very stressed out, but every now and then an outing was organised and we get to relieve our stress and enjoy the time together. I hope this can sustain even when I return to normal life again and even further down the road. Best if it's forever. Hoho~ Can't imagine how it's like when we meet up again (maybe 5-10 years later) and we laughed at each other for almost anything.
Next movie: 钱不够用2
Upcoming outings: Geraint's wii party (13 August) and Nicky's Temasek Club K + pool (15 August)
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