
1000th post!

1000th post le!

At this point of time, it has not been easy to keep the blog going, especially now with the amount of workload, I don't have much personal time to write blog posts.

But even so, it doesn't stop me to keep recording the events which I went through. I think it would be an achievement that after a few decades, or even a decade, or even just a few years, when I revisit the posts, all the memories would resurface back and I would feel that as if I am experiencing the event now, isn't that a good thing?

On the other hand, I would feel relieved that I have something as a backup if I need to retrieve the events back. Ultimately our brain doesn't work like a memory card, we need constant refresh to keep the remembered stuff intact.

But this is quite impossible given the current situation now. So the only solution is to blog each and every single event down, and down to very trivial detail. It may sounds lunatic, crazy, siao, etc. But when I look back at today, I could see what exactly had happened. I think it's quite awesome.

One thing for sure, this blog would not die. 我會加油繼續寫下去,寫到老為止!

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