1. Me
2. Shi Hao
3. Jansen
4. Kenny
5. Peng Guan
Initially I've booked Peng Guan to go to Plaza Singapura to catch a movie after half day off. But then on the way there, Shi Hao they all wanted to psycho me to go AMK hub instead, so I can 陪 them. Also got Cathay cinema mah... $6 cheap cheap.
Happy that they interacted with each other. If not 我这个中介的很尴尬.
Then kept hearing Jansen said there is 1 girl at the yoghurt quite pretty since Monday. Then happened he said he wanted to go AMK. Obviously he wanted to beo that girl la... But sway the girl was absent from the stall.
Had 饺子拉面 (dumpling noodles) at the food court ($4). Serving was large. Then I bought 台湾雪花冰 - 绿茶百香果口味 from Snow Flake ($2.90), shared with PG. This one was nice.
Jansen bought 牛奶红豆口味, shared with SH and Kenny, a bit of normal I think. Then I bought apple cinnamon yoghurt using student ez-link card, $1.50 only. Haha, $2.80 for otherwise. Kenny bought mango yoghurt. SH used Kenny's student pass to 骗过 that seller and he managed to buy strawberry one. Wahaha~
Then after that we ordered Andersen's Couple Fondue ($19.90). The fondue was nice. 钩起去年五月尾的那个巧克力瀑布大餐的回忆. Shared by 5 people. A bit awkward lor, but they a bit full liao, cannot eat too much lor.
Had The House Bunny as today's movie. Rating: 2.5/5
The story went like this.
There's this girl who knew boys would like girls having big breasts, hips, etc. So she would use sexual references in order to seduce the boys.
There was this girl's club consists of members who don't go for the sexy line but inner beauty. No one wants to be the member, hence the club is facing the threat of not having enough members and had to close down.
Then here came the girl to save the club. She imparted a lot of things to the girls in the club, like how to seduce the boys, put make up, etc. The outcome was great, she managed to salvage the club. Then along the way, she met a guy whom she liked. He didn't fall to her sexy trick.
But never did she know that actually boys not only like the exterior, but also inner beauty as well.
I feel that the ending could be further improved on. Like the future of the club and what happened to the guy and the female lead ever after.
Moral of story: Be themselves. 做回自己。
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