Who participated?
1. Me
2. Shi Hao
3. Edmund
4. Kenny
5. Jia Yun
6. Leon
7. Geraint
8. Dominic
9. Bay
Took half day off, drove Shi Hao and Edmund out, together with the bulky cooker.
On the other hand, Kenny, Jia Yun, Leon, Geraint and Dominic took Joseph's car out.
We went different ways.
1st, we went to my house, as I need to let off the cooker. It's really that bulky. Then let Shi Hao and Edmund had a chance to see how I drove now. Heh heh, now I drive like a lao jiao, no more mocking from Dominic that I drive like a xin jiao liao.
Also, let them had a chance to visit my home. Actually nothing much to see though, but I had no choice to return the cooker first mah. They were the first to visit my home. LOL~
Then we drove to JJC for a lunch. I was paranoid on the accessing to JJC part. But the guard actually allowed us to enter with ease! No need for visitor pass, no need for vehicle pass! Wahaha! At the same time, me and Edmund introduced and orientated our alma mater to Shi Hao. Loved the chicken thigh from the Muslim stall.
Saw Mr Yeo, chit-chatted for a while. I thought as soon as my batch graduated from JJC he would be jobless (no more F Maths from 2007 onwards). But I realised that he now found another blue sky! He's now teaching H2 Maths. Good.
It's nice to hear from Shi Hao that the canteen is better than AJC. Also, all tutorial rooms in JJC are air-conditioned, but not for AJC. At least there's something I can be proud of JJC, even though it's not even in the top 10 JC.
*Shi Hao: is there something wrong with concrete jumping board for standing board jump?
Went to LT5, luckily it was empty. We went to the backstage to play piano. Something which the JJCians won't even think of doing. LOL
After that, we went to the so-called leader mess to chill for 15 mins. Played UNO stacko, Edmund lost, yet he don't want to serve the punishment, i.e. treat me and Shi Hao drinks. What the hell~
Then went to Boon Lay MRT to fetch Bay and we 4 people arrived at The Cathay House later than the rest for the movie.
It's a very mixed-up movie. It's a comedy + action + M18 movie. LOL
Story (spoiler ahead):
Basically, the story is simple to understand. There's this movie filming about war in Vietnam going on. However, the actors were giving attitude problems and uncooperative. In the end, the $4 million fireworks went off without any filming. This resulted in the most expensive movie ever invested without any result.
Then the boss put the 5 actors into real situations whereby they needed to use the map to navigate themselves. Cameras were installed at different angles for shooting. Little did the actors knew that they were put into the area of Golden Triangle whereby the drug trade thrived. They had to fight with the forces there.
The story ended with 1 of the actor getting the lead award.
Though they labelled the movie as a comedy, there were lots of part whereby the whole threater laughed but I just find them not funny at all. Forced myself to laugh.
Bay laughed the most. Obviously, he was laughing at the 'no link' parts as usual.
A lot of people found it very lame. Me too. This kind of movie, better watch it online or find ways yourself by not paying money... LOL~
Rating: 3/5
After the movie, we went to Starbucks to chill for an half-an-hour chat session. But well before that, we had some graffiti on the very artistic board consisting of all post-it sticky notes. Wrote something that we could frustrate out and of course the most important three-letter-word: ORD!
9 people shared one drink, quite kiam siap I would say. But on the other hand, I would do the same lor simply because the drinks there was very expensive.
Then 曲终人散. As I needed to top up cashcard and draw money, I need to make a move to Plaza Singapura. Then Jia Yun, Kenny, Edmund and Bay followed too. Kenny treated me Takoyaki... Very nice of him. This is what I called 自动.
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