
[copied] Something to share

Yesterday as I was surfing web before I book in, I found a blog quite interesting. The blog shared a link which links to a Japanese website whereby after you keyed in your name and typed ENTER, the website will show what your mind is thinking. It can be lies, friends, money, love, etc.

Check it out! =p

FYI: English names and Chinese names produce different results and for the same Chinese name, simplified Chinese version and traditional Chinese version also produce different results. So you may want to try all possible ways.

Link: Please press me gently, it hurts! 轻轻按我,不然很痛的!

The list below explains some of the symbols shown at the result page. The list is NOT exhaustive.

惱 -> 煩惱
愛 -> 愛
休 -> 解釋為只想休息的人。能坐就不站、能躺就不坐。
H -> SEX
食 -> 吃。
金 -> 錢。
欲 -> 物欲、甚至要說是權力的欲也可以。因為整個腦都是欲的芭樂,就是一直以為自己是一個很行的卡小。事實上他只是個屁。準。
秘 -> 就密秘。藏私。隱私。
遊 -> 愛玩人。
噓 -> 謊言。
惡 -> 就”惡” ,不用多解釋的惡。
忘 -> 健忘、放空、無我之境界?
逃 -> 逃避。逃在某種程度來說也滿恐怖。
學 -> 和中文一樣是學習。真是熱血正面的一個字。
酒 -> 能有這個字真是太酷了。
友 -> 朋友。
妄 -> 妄想。很愛肖想一些有的沒的。
變 -> 我只聯想到變態的變,變質者。 -> 日文有這個
貓 -> 不知道是啥
幻 -> 幻想、白日夢

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